Servant Ministries


The Vestry is the Board of Trustees for All Saints Episcopal Church. There are twelve members that are elected to serve, usually for terms of three years. They work with the Rector to make important decisions that keep the parish logistically, financially, and spiritually healthy.

This dedicated group meets once a month, but also spends time working on various committees that help with the mission and ministry of the parish. They often host fellowship events or community meetings in the parish to help foster our Christian Community.

The Vestry is encouraging parishioners to be more involved here at All Saints. There are currently opportunities to volunteer in the following areas:

  • In-reach: Check up on parishioners who can’t get to church often. Visit them, or give them a call!! Maybe even offer them a ride to church functions.
  • Newcomers: Welcome visitors at church, and then help to host welcoming events for them.
  • Buildings and Grounds: We have specific needs for help with plumbing, electrical, landscaping, and painting. If you see a need, or can help with a service, contact junior warden Mary Ellen Gruendyke.
  • Finance: Help the vestry to review income and expenses, and identify areas which need attention.
  • Other If you have a special gift of service you can offer to the church (spiritual, physical, or social), please let someone on the vestry know, so we can find an outlet for your talent!

Lay Ministries

Lay Ministry at All Saints includes the following roles according to the individual’s desire: Acolytes, Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers.


Acolytes should be 7-8 years of age to begin serving as a torch bearer. After serving as a torch bearer, acolytes move into the position of crucifer, which involves maturity and additional responsibilities assisting the priest at the altar. In addition, some crucifers are trained as a thurifer and learn the ministry of handling incense.


Lectors read the Scripture lessons from the Old Testament and Epistle, and lead the congregation in the prayers of the people.

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers are trained to assist the Priest during Communion by serving the chalice. They also participate in the readings to the congregation and should be comfortable in any and all roles in the service. It may be necessary to fill in for someone that is unable to attend when scheduled.
Eucharistic Ministers may also administer Communion to shut-ins or members unable to attend services.

Trainings are held periodically. Anyone who wishes to participate in any of these ministries is welcome!! Please contact Mary Ellen Gruendyke (

Office Assistants

We are volunteers who assist for several hours each week in the church office. Our responsibilities include: weekly service bulletins, upkeep of the rota (schedule of all those assisting with the Sunday services), assisting with mailings, and various other tasks. We welcome any others who would like to be involved in committing time to the church office. You can contact us at our e-mail address:

Ushers and Greeters

The role of ushers and greeters is to do the best possible job to greet every person coming to attend a worship service at All Saints. Ushers are the embodiment of the gracious spirit of our church. Often unknowingly, they are friends who share in making the lonely feel cared for, the bereaved see hope, the sinner feel forgiveness, and the discouraged feel cheered. Experts who study the growth or demise is churches state the job of the greeter is possibly the most important in any church! To serve as an usher or greeter, contact Roy Harris (

Coffee Hour Hosts

Every week this ministry is committed to making our ‘Coffee Hour’ a lovely after-service fellowship event. We make the coffee and set out the goodies after each service. Parish members may contribute by bringing food items (a great way to share your party leftovers, or an excuse to try a new dish). If you don’t host parties or cook, drop a few dollars into the collection can so all may enjoy the coffee and social time.


This is a dedicated group of parish members who provide hospitality services for parish events, particularly funeral services and other special occasions. We welcome all members of the parish to contribute and assist when the need arises. We believe that the parish needs to minister to the needs of its flock in order for us to reach out to others.

Contacts for this ministry are:

  • Kathy Woodbury:
  • Mary Ellen Gruendyke:


If you enjoy meeting newcomers, helping them feel welcome, and sharing the Good News of All Saints, please join us. We initiate conversation with newcomers and answer questions. Later in the week we follow up with a phone call after their visit, and invite them to join us again.

We hope you'll stay in touch.