About Us

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All Saints’ is a lively, inclusive, and welcoming faith community that celebrates the presence of God in all of life’s joys and challenges. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey you are welcome here. Our faith is anchored in ancient Christian theology, rooted in Holy Scripture, and illuminated by Anglican tradition. It is made contemporary through our commitment to serving the people of Riverside through worship, education, fellowship, and help for those in need. We welcome you to join us.

What We Believe

All Saints is truly a place where the barriers that sometimes get put between God and us can slowly be taken down. We are happy to share what we believe and what we do, as Christians and Episcopalians. We invite you to share you spiritual journey with us. Jesus shared bread and wine with his first followers and is with us in the family meal we call communion. Through it we receive forgiveness of sins and a strengthening of our union with God and one another as we remember Christ’s life, death and resurrection.

Mission and Meaning

​While truth can be elusive, it can still be found. Through the actions, teachings and leading of Jesus of Nazareth we can know what God wills for all people: courage, healing, redemption and grace. Making this truth know in the depth of our beings and in the world around us is of upmost importance to those that gather at All Saints’.

​”Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20

Our Mission

  • Reaching our community and beyond with the good news that Jesus saves (Luke 15, 19:10)
  • Teaching believers through the Bible how to love God and love their neighbors as themselves (Col. 1:28; Matthew 22:37-40)
  • Sending those believers back out into the world to share with others the story of how Jesus saved them (Rom. 10:13-15; Acts 1:8)

Our Core Values


  • The Bible: our foundation, understood through tradition and reason, containing all things necessary for salvation. Our worship is filled with Scripture from beginning to end.
  • Christ-Centered Living: loving the Lord God with our whole hearts
  • Dependency on God: for every area of our lives
  • Prayer: individual and corporate prayer as crucial in doing God’s work
  • Equipping Believers for a passion-driven, gift-based ministry
  • Missions: taking Christ to the nations by giving, praying, and going


  • Loving Relationships: acceptance, caring for others, forgiving
  • Updated Traditional Worship: vibrant, heartfelt, reflective
  • Small Focus Groups: for spiritual growth and relationship building
  • Strengthening Families: along with strong children’s and young adult ministrie
  • Empowering Leadership
We hope you'll stay in touch.