Christian Education

The lay ministry in Adult Education is dedicated to creating and facilitating a variety of educational programs for adults in the church and the general community. These programs have to do with various dimensions of the life of faith: the relation between personal writing and prayer, the power of contemporary Christian literature concerning questions of faith, the contributions of thinkers such as C. S. Lewis and Dietrich Boenhoffer, and the various ways of reading the Bible.

The themes and points of focus for these programs often develop from parishioners’ suggestions and offers to participate. We offer different adult formation opportunities throughout the year and always try to keep our eyes and ears open to where the Holy Spirit may be guiding our efforts to provide learning experiences for all ages!

Adult Forum Lenten Study

Join your fellow parishioners on Wednesday Evenings at 6:00 p.m. during the Season of Lent.  Meetings are in the Parish Library for a weekly discussion on C.S Lewis’ Screwtape Letters, led by Mother Kelli Grace Kurtz.

Children and Youth Education

We welcome children and youth from newborns to High School, both regulars and newcomers, to our Small Saints Room and Sunday School classes. For pre-K to 5th graders, we strive to teach children about God’s love for them while also sharing Bible stories and important messages about how our faith tells us to treat ourselves, each other, and the world.

We make learning fun, active, and interactive. For instance, after hearing or reading a Bible story, children might act the story out, make an artistic rendering to help them remember it, or play a game related to the story. Students from grades 6 to high school meet separately to discuss the readings for the week.

Classes meet during the 10:00 a.m. service. Children meet in the Small Saints Room and move into the library with the Sunday School teacher. Our year runs parallel to the school year, from the beginning of September until the end of May.

Several times throughout the year, we often sponsor family-oriented events in Smith Hall, immediately following the service. A highlight is the Christmas season when families make Advent wreaths and children decorate gingerbread houses.

We welcome faithful adults who wish to teach our children and youth about the Word of God. There is a special joy in watching the children learn about the stories in the Bible and teaching them about God and His Love for them.

We hope you'll stay in touch.